All about Valuable Materials & Hazardous / Toxic Components - The Ship Recycling Process

Shipping is the main mode of transport for traded goods and about 90% of the traded goods are transported by sea. Although transfer and transport of goods and services are never ending, individual ships last for few decades only. When a ship becomes too expensive and difficult for the owner to repair after about 27 to 30 years of service (depending on the type of ship and its freight market conditions), the shipping companies send the Ship for recycling where all the valuable metals and materials are scrapped out and the toxic ones are disposed off in the safe and environment friendly method. Almost all the ships, including Cruise ships and tankers go for recycling after they reach their end of life. Valuable Components: During the ship recycling process, the valuable materials such as Steel, aluminum, brass and more materials are brought out from the ship which are then sold in the market for reuse. For the steel mills that supply materials to construction industries,...